Pam Saunders – Co-Founder, Holigral


Pam is warm and accepting, helping anyone escape from the disease of seriousness and into the light of fun and joy.  Her mission is bringing out the inner wizard - or witch! - to spread joy in the world.

Researching Holigral

Pam Saunders, B.Sc. Maths & Physics, Former MIEE & C.Eng. Co-Founder, “The Holigral Partnership”, Inventor of “The Holigral Method”

Through the 80‘s and 90’s, when I was researching pattern recognition, or image processing, neural networks, signal processing, whatever, I would implement every single algorithm I could find, applied to real data, in order to understand how the algorithms worked in the real world. By doing this fast, I could excel in a technical field in 6 months to a year.  It allowed me to generalise the models and to notice what was missing or incomplete, and create new ways, often making a hybrid, taking something from one discipline and applying it to anther.

A neural network is well trained by a spare set of data spanning the range, and overtrained by repetitions of point-samples. Synthetic simulations are thus effectively harmful to real learning and as such are to be avoided. The same therefore goes for the brain.

So I did the same experimentation when I came across Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) in December 2000. In fact, I had invented my first new process (algorithm) by the end of my first day’s exposure to it. I read every book, implemented every process many times, with different people or focusses, and trained as far as I could go to get training, over 2001-3. What I noticed was that there was no underlying theory or structure for trauma, for life-changing events, for how people become as they are, let alone the inconsistencies of the models. Reading Freud and Jung added no theory a Physicist would accept.

My first attempt at an underlying model, in 2002, was an analogue theory, based upon the idea of controls, akin to variable resistors / volume-control knobs for access to experiences. These controls were created by repeated events of conditioning, replacing a natural open state of being with one conditioned by the events of life around - a controlled experience of dissociation - from “whatever” had to be dissociated.

The way I worked was to observe the world, fit a model, and then observe if the world fitted the model. If it did not, then it was back to the drawing board. The analogue model had no capacity for dealing with certain kinds of client problems where there was no analogue connection or control that could be found. There had to be a different structure - digital in nature - what some would call “quantum” or “discrete”.

I started collaborating with other people interested in going beyond the taught models, and in 2005 I met David Grove, the inventor of Clean Language. He had trained over 20,000 psychological professionals in the USA in the art of inner child recovery, specifically for working with Vietnam veterans. He had asked a fantastic question “where do people go when they dissociate?” The answer was “where their focus of attention was at the time”. This enabled him to navigate a dissociated aspect back to the body, to navigate the body to the aspect, or a combination of both. He used questions of metaphor, space and time to do this, e.g. “and where could that have come from?”.

When we met, he had recently discovered a pattern of six degrees of separation, and realised this coded the spaces not only between people but also between aspects of people. I introduced the idea this might be fractal, the physics of Rayleigh, the Nyquist Theorem and the complex mathematics to describe why the structures were based upon these sets of sixes, and how the real and the imaginary interfaced through the electromagnetic field. I had asked “why do people dissociate?” and “what is the structure of this?”

Just like the big bang created an echo in the microwave background we receive from space, so do every person’s “big bangs”. By understanding how defining moments changed a person’s structure I was able to use the Discrete Fourier Transform theory to explain the window function effect, and so experiences such as projected past lives being a consequence of the measurements. In effect I was developing a theory of human measurement, with Fourier applied for momentum trauma (right-brain), and Laplace transforms for cognitive, left-brain traumas. This is the metaphysical equivalent of the basic, quantum physics of measuring location and momentum - Heisenberg etc.

One example process that I developed I call “pronoun scaling”. It has the underlying model that a person’s structures have been projected in by someone else, and therefore there is a daisy-chain of projections, often down ancestral lines. By unmeasuring at least the last three links of the chain the connection is broken and the person freed from a particular habit or response. By following the entire chain to beyond its origin, a complete transcendence is attained. As these chains can go back to the dawn of civilisation we start to see how ancient events still shape today’s society. Most people would be surprised how strongly society is still shaped by events even as long as five thousands years ago.

The way the pronoun scaling works is to start from an emotional response, locate it within the body, and to go inside recursively, six times. This navigates to the defining moment when the projection came in from the world around, the self probably a child at the time. The source is tracked - another person, such as a parent, and the process repeated for them. Just like a computer algorithm, the questions are iterated to trace all to the origins.

One of the first things David showed me was how people code things in directions, and so immediately I could associate in how radars work as a metaphor for humans scanning the environment, assessing their level of threat from eye movements. Innovating his work, I proposed a slow-moving gyroscope to access non-azimuthal angles, and within 2 weeks we were playing with one. The was the beginning of designing and building a tailor- made machine for unmeasuring womb and early-months trauma, which we then discovered resolves sea sickness and will probably resolve space sickness.

The Prototype Ark Angle “David”

The machine (pictured) breaks down into 10 components and fits into an MPV for easy transport, taking about an hour to install where it is to be used. The key design features are to allow slow, controlled oscillations and cycles, with operator safety paramount. Therefore the three rings of a fairground gyroscope are replaced with only one main ring (roll), displacing the yaw to the feet and the pitch to wheels on the central axis. The inspiration of the final design is owed to WWII anti-aircraft guns, hamster wheels and coffee tables.

The first big innovation I added to the work was to suggest the patterns of six- plus-a-pause might be fractal, which would imply they were in everything, and therefore finally a valid underlying structure to the human universe - the “matrix”. From this came the first fractal process, called the Issue Buster, six sets of six questions, following the perfect pattern of negotiations, mediations and studies.

The initial set-up of these processes was geometric, reflecting David Grove’s early career as an architect. Given the nature of the fractal and emergence, I started a new form, to just keep on loading more information at the beginning, and this led to an entirely new process, probably the most powerful human transformational process ever discovered; re-scaling. The algorithm is to simply keep on writing/drawing more and more, around an initial subject, until the spatial limits are reached. The content is then re- drawn smaller and the scaling around continues. After about six iterations the process completes, with the person at one with their starting conditions, the problem or trauma transcended and disappeared.

Over the years 2006-10 more models and processes were developed to fill out the full spectrum and make a first science of psychology, where we can predict, analyse and transcend.

It took me years before I finally connected these patterns of six (plus a pause) to the days of the week, and to the R-CADMID engineering lifecycle. This gave me a more flexible fractal model, applicable to individuals and groups. Even organisations and countries fit the models, and allow story scripts to be measured, and therefore the behaviours of even Governments predicted. From this I developed the idea of “human signals intelligence”, a science of reading the signals of the defining moments and epochs as a fractal. This took me until the end of 2010, and I then spent 2011-12 writing up the theory into books and process manuals describing the whole.

The result was a theory that can be applied to un-measure addictions, habits, traumas as if they never had existed. It can be used to innovate, to understand organisations and effect change through the leadership, and even model the flow of history and change the course of events, perhaps even to avoid the world war being stoked at present.

Applications to the business world are processes such as “the niche finder”, “the issue buster” and “spiral galaxy mapping”, which gives a complete one- page understanding of a focus of attention.

Applications to the educational world so far have been to unmeasure learning difficulties and potentialise the non-lexics into their genius states of being.


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